Nate Champion – A Duology

Coming in late July – Nate Champion, The Texas Years

And in late August – Nate Champion, The Wyoming Years

The cover reveal is coming!

Warren is currently booking for his new lecture series on the fascinating Johnson County War. To book Mr. Warren for a lecture, contact his publicist at markwarrenbooks(at)

Nate Champion and the Johnson County War, 1892

A young Texas cowhand travels to Wyoming to stake his claim as an independent rancher. Nate Champion finds himself thrown into the crucible of the Johnson County War. This program reveals one of America’s most egregious acts of insurrection and how one man prevented the crime of the century and became a martyr to the common laborer. Warren’s years of research reveal why Western scholars consider Nate Champion to be one of the unsung heroes of American history. Join us for a lecture and slide presentation.

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